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Keywords designed to help you quickly find what you want and need
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With six dedicated directories and over one thousand categories, you will always find what you want and need. Gayther is an LGBTQIA+ community resource designed to help you connect with friendly and welcoming businesses and services worldwide.

All of the businesses, services, groups and events that list on Gayther are making a clear statement that they welcome everyone and value the global community.

Three services and six worldwide directories that include:
  • Big Directory (Gayther Affinity) – for all businesses and services
  • Events (Gayther Affinity) – for LGBTQIA+ friendly events
  • Care Provider and Services (Gayther Affinity) – for elder community-related services
  • Refugees & Migrants (Gayther Care) – search businesses and services offering tailored solutions to refugees and migrants
  • Support Groups, Charities and Advice Services (Gayther Care) – for non-profit organisations and support groups
  • Travel (Gayther Core) – search for detailed train, airport, and many more modes of transport worldwide
  • Weather (Gayther Core) – search climate date for hundreds of locations worldwide

Six dedicated directories


Discover all of the ways to search Gayther
The main and biggest of all the Gayther directories. The big directory comprises fourteen groups and over one thousand categories, from travel accommodation to home maintenance. All businesses and services worldwide can choose from either the free or enhanced plan and create a listing with all the information your customers need. By joining Gayther, you will be showing your support by telling your customers that all are welcome. If you have a business or service, click here to learn more about creating a listing
click here  Click on the icons to find out more
Learn more about the exceptional and diverse global LGBTQIA+ community. Discover interesting facts, join in the fun with interactive games, learn more about the exceptional pioneers and advocates and take pride in all of the sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Discover all things LGBTQIA+ with Gayther today
Learn more about all of the unique and amazing groups that make up the LGBTQIA+ community with the pride in series
Learn all about gender and gender-neutral pronouns in English and seven other languages
Learn each year how individual countries and regions around the world are treating members of the LGBTQIA+ community
There are thousands of events taking place around the world each year. When you factor in all the significant, important and observed dates, it is not always easy to know what is going on and when. Gayther has developed solutions to ensure that you are kept informed and never miss an event again. If you have an event, click here to learn more about creating a listing
click here  Click on the icons to find out more
INCLUDES:  Awareness Period | General | LGBTQIA+ | National Day | Religious


It is estimated that there are over seven thousand languages and dialects spoken around the world. When travelling, it is important to find out what languages are spoken where, as well, as key phrases and terms in those languages. The Gayther Worldwide languages guide features all of the main languages spoken around the world, organised by country and region. Discover all things languages today
Getting from point a to point b often takes time and planning. Discovering the modes of transport available and where stops, stations, and ports are located can help you plan your journey. Whether at home or abroad, Gayther contains thousands of transportation-related data, helping you find the services, stations and ports quickly and easily. Discover more about the travel directory on Gayther
click here  Click on the icons to find out more


With countries around the world treating members of the LGBTQIA+ community differently, planning an overseas trip can be challenging. With over 233 country and 435 regional guides, Gayther guides provide you with all the information you need when planning your trip. From LGBTQIA equality to essential travel information, discover Gayther guides today
Quickly find all the information you need when planning a trip. Home to over 600 detailed country and regional guides, including a wide range of general information as well as dedicated LGBTQIA+ specific details
Search over 900 unique weather locations using the fun and interactive weather tool. Discover the best time to travel to a specific area, when is it the hottest, when is the least chance of rain or when it might snow
Planning a trip takes time and effort. Deciding where to go and how to get there can be a challenge. The interactive travel tool is home to thousands of airports, trains, buses and ports worldwide


Discover the world around you, how countries treat members of the LGBTQIA+ community, read the latest community news or articles, search for the best time of year to visit any destination or access the extensive range of tools and services all designed to help you with any questions you may have. Gayther Core is fun, interactive and home to a wide range of community-related services
When planning a trip or unsure where you want to go, understanding the historical weather trends can be beneficial. Knowing which months are warmest, with the least rain or when the most snow will fall can mean you can get the vacation you want. Gayther has hundreds of detailed weather information for every country worldwide and is based on average data over fifteen years. Discover more about the climate and weather information today
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When travelling, getting around often takes time and planning. The Gayther travel and transport section features thousands of airports, trains, metro stations, ports and many more modes of transport across the globe. Discover our interactive tool, featuring enhanced airport and metro station listings making it even easier to get from A to B
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Connecting with other members of the LGBTQIA+ community is not always straightforward. With countless hook-up apps tailored towards a younger audience and trolls and online bullying, sharing your thoughts and feelings can be challenging. Gayther Affinity is a closed network designed to help you connect with likeminded people and be yourself when online in a safe environment
With the average life expectancy increasing due to medical advancement, more people are living longer into their retirement. The older we become, we will often need some help and support. The level and scale of the support we might need typically depends on our overall health and mobility. With a fast-growing LGBTQIA+ elder community, more care providers and services adapt or tailor their businesses to cater to the community. They are providing quality care that is inclusive and welcoming to all. Care providers and services worldwide can choose from either the free or enhanced plan and create comprehensive listings with all the information your customers need. By joining Gayther, you will be showing your support by telling your customers that all are welcome. If you have a business or service, click here to learn more about creating a listing
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Knowing the local emergency telephone numbers is crucial, whether at home or abroad. The Gayther guide not only provides the various telephone numbers for the emergency services worldwide but also common phrases in the native language
When travelling, as a non-native speaker of a language or when you cannot speak, communicating how you think and feel to a medical practitioner can be challenging. The medical diagnosis interpreter, also known as the MDI, is a free click and point solution where you can use literal translations for up to 89 different languages
We all need help sometimes, and when we do, it is crucial to know where to get the right advice and support. There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide, services and solutions designed to help you in whatever you face. Search for support groups today
Acceptance and coming to terms with a part of what makes you can be challenging for many people. The Gayther pride in series is about celebrating all things relating to sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Showcasing the exceptional people, interesting facts and ways to connect with those unique communities, all designed to help and promote pride in LGBTQIA+ identities


Gayther Care is a service tailored to community members at the various stages of their lives. From the medical diagnosis interpreter for people to use while travelling to the care provider and services directory for those needing assistance in the later years of their lives. Care is your must-use resource when needing help or in an emergency
When we need help, it is crucial to know where to get the right advice and support. There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide. All have been set up and designed to help people in need. Gayther has created a dedicated directory to help you find these important services near you, showcasing and raising awareness of these vital services. All you need to do is select the type of service you require and your current location. If you have a support group, click here to learn more about creating a listing
click here  Click on the icons to find out more