Search Gayther

You can choose by directory or by type and press the option that best represents what you want to access the relevant search tool. Start your Gayther adventure today

The main and biggest of all the Gayther directories. The big directory comprises fourteen groups and over one thousand categories, from travel accommodation to home maintenance. Helpful whenever you are looking for businesses and services in your local area, discover the big directory today
Take the time out of planning your journey with Gayther. Discovering the modes of transport available and where stops, stations, and ports are located can help you plan your trip. The travel directory contains thousands of transportation-related data; discover more today

Looking for a local service, business or event anywhere in the world? These clickable categories will help you find what you are looking for quickly and easily
Search the world by using the equality index; the equality index ranks countries by the laws and treatments concerning members of the LGBTQIA+ community

Gayther Affinity is a private platform for the LGBTQIA+ community and their friends. A space that gives you the freedom to be yourself, helping you communicate with and connect to people similar to yourself from around the world and from all age groups and backgrounds. Get involved with groups discussions, ask questions or quickly search for inclusive business, services, and events near you. Gayther Affinity is committed to safeguarding its users. Through a closed network where user registration is required and enforcing block/report policies and functions to stop online abuse. Signup for your free Affinity account today.