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Gayther Calendar

Discover all of the informative and colourful Gayther calendars
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Each year, we at Gayther release an annual downloadable calendar that helps you plan your days and months, showcases aspects of the LGTQIA+ community, and highlights key upcoming events. The Gayther Calendars are themed, and no two years are the same. Given that the calendars are fun and informative, we have provided links to obtain and download the latest calendars from previous years.


STEM EDITION: The Gayther 2025 LGBTQIA+ people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or stem, highlights 20 exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to science. The colourful calendar provides information on scientists, their contributions, and the area of science they specialise in. Subscribe to the Fortnightly Gayther Newsletter to receive the download link for the calendar.
Never miss a story, offer or event again. By subscribing to Gayther, you will receive the latest news, articles, upcoming events, and so much more straight to your mailbox


PLANETS EDITION: The Gayther 2024 Planets edition highlights key events throughout the year, information and facts about the 12 planets in our solar system and any association with the LGBTQIA+ community. Each month provides helpful information about the earth, its association with the community, and any symbols associated with a particular planet. Click on the link below to download a PDF version of the calendar.
Learn more about the exceptional and diverse global LGBTQIA+ community. Discover interesting facts, join in the fun with interactive games, learn more about the exceptional pioneers and advocates and take pride in all of the sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Discover all things LGBTQIA+ with Gayther today


LGBTQIA+ WORLD FIRSTS EDITION: The Gayther 2023 LGBTQIA+ World Firsts edition highlights key events throughout the year and information and facts relating to 12 events and locations in which an LGBTQIA+ first occurred. Each month provides helpful information about the event, the country in which the event took place and the national plant or flower associated with that given country. Click on the link below to download a PDF version of the calendar.
From marriages and unions to the decriminalisation of same-sex relationships, discover how well each country treats members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Updated each year, you can learn of the positive and negative developments for every country worldwide. Learn more about LGBTQIA+ Worldwide equality today


ANIMAL KINGDOM EDITION: The Gayther 2022 Animal Kingdom edition highlights key events taking place throughout the year, as well as information and facts relating to 12 animals that are known to exhibit same-sex behaviours. Each month provides helpful information about a particular animal, interesting facts and stunning illustrations. Click on the link below to download a PDF version of the calendar.
Over the past 50 years, the LGBTQIA+ global community has seen many positive developments, where the rights and protection for community members have greatly improved. The improvements and changes are a direct result of the exceptional individuals who stood up, often at great personal risk, to fight for and promote community rights. Discover more about some of these exceptional individuals today


2021 COMMUNITY EDITION: The Gayther 2021 Community edition highlights key events taking place throughout the year, as well as information and facts relating to 12 LGBTQ+ friendly cities and a definition specific to a sexuality or gender identity. Each month showcases a popular community destination and simple explanations relating to LGBTQIA+ identities. Click on the link below to download a PDF version of the calendar.


When we travel abroad, most of us will have fun and pleasant visits, often without any major problems or incidents. In the event something bad happens, knowing who to call quickly can be a matter of life and death. The Gayther Emergency Services tool features emergency numbers for every country worldwide. With three separate methods for finding emergency service information, as well, as quick dial buttons, getting help quickly can be fast and simple


2020 HOROSCOPE EDITION: The Gayther 2020 Horoscope edition highlights key events throughout the year and information relating to Chinese and Western Zodiac astrology. Each month showcases one of the main Chinese and zodiac horoscopes and details of the associated constellations. Click on the link below to download a PDF version of the calendar.
Acceptance and coming to terms with a part of what makes you can be challenging for many people. The Gayther pride in series is about celebrating all things relating to sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Showcasing the exceptional people, interesting facts and ways to connect with those unique communities, all designed to help and promote pride in LGBTQIA+ identities



The big directory comprises fourteen groups and over one thousand categories, from travel accommodation to home maintenance

There are thousands of events taking place, it is not always easy to know what is going on and when, Gayther can help

The Care Providers and Services directory lists businesses and services that are inclusive and welcoming to all
There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide, all designed to help you
The RM Directory is designed to showcase organisations and services experienced in assisting those seeking refuge or relocating. Whether a refugee who is forced to leave home due to war or a migrant seeking out better living conditions, the RM Directory can help

About Gayther

We at Gayther are passionate about the LGBTQIA+ community and use our service to advocate for the many people worldwide. Working towards helping everyone, regardless of their gender or sexual identity, see and understand more about the diverse and unique individuals who form this exceptional community. A community made up of groups of people that have been around for thousands of years. It is the only group that truly represents every country, race, and religion and speaks every language across the globe.

Gayther is tailored towards the global community and works on the principle that no one is excluded. Regardless of their gender or sexual identity, everyone is welcome. Free to learn more about LGBTQIA+ history, the diverse community and its members and ultimately to bring people together, dispelling misinformation and mistrust.


Discover more about the extensive tools, services and guides available on Gayther. From country and regional guides to LGBTQIA+ community resources, learn more about all that Gayther has to offer
Never miss a story, offer or event again. By subscribing to Gayther, you will receive the latest news, articles, upcoming events, and so much more straight to your mailbox
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information displayed on this page is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute advice. It is essential that before travelling that you independently establish information relating specifically to your requirements and circumstances. Though we endeavour to keep all information across the site updated, we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information displayed. The languages and terms featured on this page are literal translations and have not been validated or verified. The service is provided free of charge, and by using it, you accept that you are doing so at your own risk. This page may contain external links to third party websites; Gayther provides these links for your convenience and does not endorse, warrant or recommend any particular products or services. By clicking on any external links, you will leave Gayther and be taken to the third-party website, which you do so at your own risk and by accessing the site, you will be required to comply with the external third party’s terms and conditions of use and privacy policies
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