All about Gayther
Your global community resource

three websites,
one unique service

Gayther is an online service home to one of the world’s largest collections of current and relevant LGBTQIA+ information. Tools and guides designed to be fun and easy to use, all within a platform offering positive content intended to inform, showcase and connect the global community and its allies. Home to a wide range of free services, including hundreds of detailed LGBTQIA+ travel guides, fun and games, articles and a dedicated social network known as Gayther Affinity.
Gayther is one service providing three unique websites, known as the Gayther Trinary. Three dedicated sites tailored towards and that focus on different aspects, subjects and themes, referred to as Core, Care and Share. The Trinary was created to help visitors navigate and access the extensive range of Gayther tools, guides, and services quickly and easily. At its core, Gayther has become a representative service for the global community designed to help with the daily challenges many people face from across all sections of the LGBTQIA+ community.
“We developed Gayther to be a positive platform for everyone. One that empowers people to understand more about the LGBTQIA+ community by dispelling misinformation, to showcase all aspects of the exceptional and diverse global community and all that it contributes to the world,” says Peter Williams, founder of Gayther
We at Gayther are passionate about the LGBTQIA+ community and use our service to advocate for the many people worldwide. Working towards helping everyone, regardless of their gender or sexual identity, see and understand more about the diverse and unique individuals who form this exceptional community. A community made up of groups of people that have been around for thousands of years. It is the only group that truly represents every country, race, religion and speaks every language across the globe.
Gayther is tailored towards the global community and works on the principle that no one is excluded. Regardless of their gender or sexual identity, everyone is welcome. Free to learn more about LGBTQIA+ history, the diverse community its members and ultimately to bring people together, dispelling misinformation and mistrust.
Since Gayther launched, the service has continued to grow. The growth of information and services has meant we had to change our approach and the ways visitors interact with and access the wide range of comprehensive tools, services, and guides. At Gayther, we work with the principle that accessibility is crucial and that you should never have to click more than three times to find the information you want or need, so staying true to our values, we created Gayther Trinary
Gayther Trinary is one service, providing three unique websites tailored and focusing on different aspects and themes. Gayther Core is the leading site, home to the country and regional guides, media and news, showcase sections, weather information, and much more.
Gayther Care provides information and services specifically relating to the health and wellbeing of the LGBTQIA+ community, with specific and tailored information concerning the various groups and themes.
Share, also known as Gayther Affinity, is a networking service, a safe space for speaking with and connecting to others from the global community.
fear and misinformation creates

Over the past 50 years, the global LGBTQIA+ community has seen continued acceptance and improvements in the rights and laws concerning equal treatment, anti-discrimination, gender equality and recognition. Though the community in many countries has seen their rights and freedoms improve, millions of people still live in countries, societies, and environments where they are oppressed. Living in fear and persecuted for accepting who they are.
History has shown time again that equality and legal protection are not assured or guaranteed. What should be freely given to all citizens around the world can be quickly taken away. Potential changes in government, negative media campaigns, even a lack of understanding causing fear and often resulting in people hating what they do not know.
Today, in the 21st century, it is essential that we dispel all of the misinformation. By showing the world that our gender or sexual identities do make us different in some ways. However, we also have much more in common, and that we all share the same or similar aspirations. Our identities are part but are not the only things that make us who we are. We all must help to remove any fear and stigmatism. So, if in the future, should a child or loved one identify as LGBTQIA+, they will know that it does not change who they are or limit what they can achieve in their lives.
Ultimately, we are all humans with the same dreams, aspirations, hopes, fears and desires.
There are thousands of events taking place, it is not always easy to know what is going on and when, Gayther can help
positive representation for all within the global
LGBTQIA+ Community

Though equality and the treatment of the community have been improving over the past 20 years, there is still a long way to go. For community members, there is a reality and consideration that is not always widely acknowledged or discussed. A fact that relates to both their daily lives and all special events. Many countries have anti-discrimination laws in place. However, when experiencing discrimination, it is not always easy to see how justice is served. In addition, most people are not always aware of the reporting process when experiencing discrimination abroad.
Many within the community want to go about their everyday lives without stress and hassle. Knowing that a country, area, business or service are gay-friendly can make a massive difference. The focus is on acceptance and spending money and rewarding organisations, businesses, regions, and countries which are deserving. Many only needing to make a clear statement that everyone is welcome.
With 26.3% or 53.5 million individuals living in countries still criminalising same-sex relationships and 12 still enforcing the death penalty, it can be dangerous for community members living or visiting those regions. Travelling overseas takes time, research, and planning for many individuals who identify as gay, transgender, or other non-traditional gender or sexual identities. A task that takes time in establishing and discovering more about the laws and attitudes within a given country. In addition, how others that have visited a specific area before have been treated during their stay.
We developed Gayther to be a truly global service, to represent all within the community. A service designed to make it easier for community members to find gay-friendly and welcoming businesses and services and help plan any future or upcoming trips around the world. Gayther was officially launched in 2019; however, work had been underway for several years in terms of the extensive content. Many maps, detailed geoinformation and resources, are bespoke and were designed and created to be explicitly used within the service.
Since going live, the service has grown considerably since its launch. With the introduction of the trinary, Gayther has grown to include a networking site (safe space for users) and dedicated and tailored resources for many underrepresented groups, such as LGBTQIA+ refugees and the elder LGBTQIA+ community.
It is estimated that there are over 4.6 billion active internet users worldwide; however, most users access the internet via mobile devices. There are still groups around the world that access and research information through websites and online tools. Gayther prides itself on accessibility and useability and plans both now and in the long term to be a multi-platform service. We will continue to develop our website presence and develop solutions on both the Android and IOS platforms.

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All the things we believe and

To help connect the global LGBTQIA+ community and all their friends and allies. Informing, inspiring and innovating through our services, guides, information and products, all of which are designed to help, support and make life a little easier
- REPRESENT – representing all within the global community
- RESPECT – respect and value all regardless of their gender or sexual identity
- INNOVATE – innovate and develop solutions that benefit community members
- TRANSPARENT – clear and transparent communications, products and information
- ACCESSIBILITY – accessibility and useability on a variety of platforms and services
- ADVOCATE – advocacy and highlighting the many causes, issues and challenges faced within the community
we are all often misunderstood and

- we have been on the earth for over 24 million years
- we are primarily nocturnal animals, which means we come out at night
- people only see us as scavengers; however, we are also very effective hunters
- we are the original recyclers as nothing goes to waste
- we are highly intelligent and social animals
- we live in large groups, which are known as clans
- female members of the clan typically lead
- we are great communicators and use sounds, postures and signals to communicate with each other
- we laugh, yell, whoop and cackle – some of which can be heard up to 5 kilometres away
- our laugh is usually used to tell others that we are excited or frustrated