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Disinformation and misinformation are designed to confuse, mislead and
suppress the truth

- It is an ideology – No, some governments like to label the community as an ideology, but it is not. An ideology, by definition, typically relates to a political, religious or societal position, meaning it is a set of beliefs or philosophies which people within a group share and have in common. People from the community do not have an agenda except for collectively wanting the same rights and protections as heterosexual and cisgender individuals living within their country and region. LGBTQIA+ individuals are, instead, just accepting who they are, which is not a belief but instead a statement of fact and one of identity
- Seek to corrupt – Not true. Most LGBTQIA+ individuals accept who they are, and though, unfortunately for many, the journey of acceptance can be long, it is essential that everyone is aware that it is okay to be yourself, whatever that might be, straight or gay, cisgender or transgender. That is not to say the community is perfect; like every group worldwide, there are exceptions. A small number of people who might not come from a good place or with good intentions, but those individuals certainly do not represent the majority, and most within the community want people to be themselves, to find acceptance and to take pride in whatever way they choose to identify
- Learning about gay makes you gay – No, learning about the community will not make children gay. Instead, it will teach them that being different is not bad or should be feared. Learning more creates better understanding, reduces fear and misinformation, helps them come to terms with who they are, and helps them become more tolerant of those around them who may identify differently. In the same way that learning about religion does not make you follow that religion, or reading about serial killers will mean you will suddenly have urges that you did not before. Most people know or suspect who they are or who their loved ones might be. Still, they may struggle to accept themselves or those closest to them due to society and fear of how others might react.
- The simple truth is that the community seeks equality, meaning the same legal rights and protections as everyone else and for people to be able to love whomever they want to love and be who they want to be, without fear of persecution and discrimination.
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We at Gayther are passionate about the LGBTQIA+ community and use our service to advocate for the many people worldwide. Working towards helping everyone, regardless of their gender or sexual identity, see and understand more about the diverse and unique individuals who form this exceptional community. A community made up of groups of people that have been around for thousands of years. It is the only group that truly represents every country, race, and religion and speaks every language across the globe.
Gayther is tailored towards the global community and works on the principle that no one is excluded. Regardless of their gender or sexual identity, everyone is welcome. Free to learn more about LGBTQIA+ history, the diverse community and its members and ultimately to bring people together, dispelling misinformation and mistrust.