International Groups and Unions
The AU aims to: –
- Protect and defend member states
- Promote and develop economic and political reform
- Work on scientific and medical research
To learn more about the AU, visit
The Arab League has many institutions and groups focused on areas such as economic development, scientific and technical research, all designed to promote the interests of its members
To learn more about the AL, visit
The CARICOM aims to: –
- Sustain a single market – with the freedom of movement of goods and services
- Judicial and political – the introduction of the Central Caribbean Court of Justice and on policy matters such as standards and quality
- Research and development – meteorological, agricultural and climate change
To learn more about CARICOM, visit
The Central American Integration System or CAIS was formed in 1993 by the six founding member states (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama) with the goal around promoting greater cooperation with member states and a standardised policy and judicial framework.
The CAIS aims to: –
- Sustain a common market – with the freedom of movement for good and services
- Judicial and political alliance through the introduction of the American Court of Justice
- Policy integration and economic development
To learn more about the CAIS, visit
The Commonwealth of Independent States or CIS was formed in 1991 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union and is made up of post-soviet republics within Eurasia.
The CIS aims to: –
- Promote economic and political cooperation
- Provide a framework for military, security and cross border crime prevention
- Coordinate activities relating to trade, finance and standardising policies
To learn more about CIS, visit
The East African Federation or EAF was formed in 2018 by the six founding member states (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda) with the goal of creating a single federated sovereign state.
The EAF aims to develop: –
- A common market – with the freedom of movement for goods and services
- A single currency (East African Schilling)
- Political framework on matters such as foreign and security policies
To learn more about the EAF, visit
The Eurasia Economic Union or EEU was formed in 2014 by the three founding member states (Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia) with the goal of creating greater unity, cooperation and the freedom of trade and services across the region
The EEU aims to: –
- Sustain the single market – with the freedom of movement of goods, services and people
- Standard policies in areas such as transport, agriculture and energy
- Plans to form a single currency framework
To learn more about the EEU, visit
The European Union or EU was formed in 1993 by the six founding member states (Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) with the goal of creating greater unity, cooperation and the freedom of movement for goods, services and people across the region.
The EU concept was initially conceived after the second world war as a mechanism and unity between countries to avoid similar conflicts occurring in the future and has evolved to become: –
- Singe Market – the forming of a single market in which goods, service and people can move freely within member states
- A standardised system of laws and regulations in the region
- Common defence and security framework
- Single currency (Euro)
To learn more about the EU visit
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf or the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC as it is also known) was formed in 1981 by six regional states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE) with the goal to create a customs union, common market and single currency within the region
The GCC member states also cooperate on matters such as:
- Legal frameworks and regulations
- Scientific and technical research
- Unified military cooperation (known as the Peninsula Shield Force)
To learn more about the GCC, visit
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation or SAARC was formed in 1985 by eight founding member states (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) with the goal to: –
- Improve the wealth of people living in South Asia
- Accelerate economic growth, social progress and cultural development
To learn more about SAARC, visit
The Southern Common Market or Mercosur was formed in 1991 by the four founding member states (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) with the goal to promote regional development, cooperation and the ambition of integration within the region.
Mercosur is currently more of a customs union between member countries and the wider international community; however, the main aims are to: –
- Remove trade barriers and the freedom of movements of goods and services within the region
- The growth and wealth of member state’s people and economies
To learn more about Mercosur, visit
Formed in 1945, the United Nations or UN represents 193 member states through its charter in areas such as:-
- Peace and security
- Climate change
- Sustainable development
- Human rights
- Disarmament and terrorism
- Humanitarian and health emergencies
- Gender equality
The General Assembly is the forum in which member states can both express views and create commonality/agreement on relevant issues/matters
To learn more about the UN, visit