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The simplest way to talk about location

Just three-words to share your location

Making people aware of where you are and what you have to offer is vital for any business. If you are reliant on a physical presence to sell your products or services, such as a store, garage or office, helping your customers find you quickly can be challenging. Time spent explaining your location or customers trying to find you; all run the risk of your location not being found and customers ultimately giving up. Finding a quick and efficient way to communicate your location accurately is crucial…. introducing what3words
  About what3words
Gayther Showcase - what3words About Us
Founded in 2013, what3words is an innovative way of communicating accurate location information quickly and efficiently. The concept and approach were born out of necessity and based on the experiences of one of their founders, Chris Sheldrick. Chris spent years arranging events only to find that communicating the location of a venue was a mammoth task. Physical addresses are not always practical as street names are often used again and again in the various cities and town as well as similar-sounding street names, all resulting in the room for error becoming high. Sharing geo-coordinates was also a challenge, often resulting in having to communicate large complex numbers to the attendees. These experiences laid the foundations of what has become what3words.

The way it works

To create a solution to the problem of communicating an address, what3words created 3-meter squares for every place on earth, assigning a three-word address to each square. These three unique words will never change, and with what3words now being available in 45 languages, the unique words attributed in each language are unique and benefit from not being literal translations. By using the what3words IOS or Android smartphone apps or via the website, the user can enter the three-word address to get an exact pinpoint location and then navigate to the precise location.
An exact location anywhere around the world only using just three words
Gayther Showcase - what3words Works
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  How to use what3words
Gayther Showcase - what3words Apps

There are three ways to access and use what3words: –

  1. Apple iPhone – you can download the free IOS app from the Apple App store
  2. Android – you can download the free android app from the Google Play store
  3. Website – you can visit the what3words website at

Finding your location/address

  • Using the app on an IOS or Android smartphone, the moment you open the app, you will be shown your current physical location using the GPS of your phone. If you want to locate a different address, all you need to do is enter a new address in the search bar (the tool will begin autocompleting the rest of the address), or you can enter the geo-coordinates (if known). Once the three-words address is shown, you can save, share or navigate to the address using various apps such as Compass, Google Maps, Apple Maps and Waze
  • Using the what3words website, upon opening, the tool will try to approximate your location based on your current IP address. To get an accurate three-word address either enter your physical address or the geo-coordinates, if known
  • You can use the what3words app at home or abroad. If you are travelling and do not have access to your data plan, you can still use your phone’s GPS coordinates to find where you are and to navigate to your desired location using the compass feature
You are now able to share and use what3words addresses
Article - what3words: Three words that save a lot of time (Pin)
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Gayther is home to seven interactive directories. From detailed weather information to listing services which showcase the inclusivity of businesses, services and events to the global LGBTQIA+ community. Learn more about the individual directories and how they can help you connect with whatever you want and need. Discover more about Gayther today
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  what3words on Gayther
Gayther Showcase - what3words Gayther
When designing and developing Gayther, we wanted to provide visitors with interactive resources and services but at the same time also wanted to integrate and utilise the latest technologies that enhanced the experiences of both our customers and visitors. We at Gayther are firm believers in the what3words concept and approach and have used the unique three-word addresses in numerous places:

All six directories

All listings on Gayther feature a what3words address in three separate locations. When creating a listing on Gayther you will be required to enter your what3words address, once entered, your three-word address is automatically added in the following locations: –

  • Map Bubble – when searching for a business, service or event using the map, you can quickly find a what3words address by clicking on a specific listing. By clicking the address, you will automatically be taken to the what3words app or website
  • Overview – all listings include a what3words address found at the end of the description. The three-word address is a hyperlink and takes you directly to the what3words app or website to view the exact location
  • Contact – with each map listing you will find the what3words address, similar to the Overview, by selecting the address you are directly taken to the app or website to view the exact location
Showcase your what3words address on Gayther today
Article - what3words: Three words that save a lot of time (Sign Post)
Gayther is home to seven interactive directories. From detailed weather information to listing services which showcase the inclusivity of businesses, services and events to the global LGBTQIA+ community. Learn more about the individual directories and how they can help you connect with whatever you want and need. Discover more about Gayther today
Gayther Affinity is a private platform for the global LGBTQIA+ community. A space that gives you the freedom to be yourself. Helping you communicate with and connect to people similar to yourself. People from around the world from all age groups and backgrounds. Signup for your free Affinity account today
  Interactive Example

To help illustrate how accurate what3words can be, we have created a floor plan of the US White House and placed actual coordinates and descriptions of each of the rooms

click here  Click on the dots to find out more

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A problem shared is a problem halved. We all need a little support, advice and help sometimes, so why not use our Agony Zir service

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Three dedicated websites offer various tools, services, guides, and much more. Free tools and services tailored toward all groups within the global LGBTQIA+ community


Discover more about the extensive tools, services and guides available on Gayther. From country and regional guides to LGBTQIA+ community resources, learn more about all that Gayther has to offer
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: All of the information, services, and tools are designed for illustration purposes only and do not constitute advice as it does not consider your personal circumstances. Though we endeavour to keep all of the data across the site updated, we do not provide any guarantees to the accuracy and completeness of the information.

Gayther Sitemap - Interactive Sitemap Tool Guide


Gayther is one of the largest LGBTQIA+ community resources available online. Thousands of helpful pages, tools, and guides are all available for you to use for free. We know Gayther is extensive, so to help, we have created various easy-to-use search facilities, including the Interactive Sitemap Tool
  • Click on the icon found in the header or at the top of every page
  • Once you have clicked the icon the full screen menu will appear
  • All you need to do is to click each of the options which best suit your requirements

Please sit back, relax and let us help you find what you are looking for quickly and easily