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Key Terms and Definitions

All of the key terms used throughout Gayther
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Discover the meanings of key terms used on Gayther


Gayther Resources - About Terms

Discover all of the key terms and their definitions used throughout the Gayther service. The key terms and definitions are displayed in alphabetical order and may contain links to external third-party websites


Area Code
The area code from a telecommunications perspective is a numeric code that usually goes before a business or personal telephone number. The area code is used to divide and identify regions and districts within a country. Many telephone exchanges connect telecom networks, and area codes help in both the routing and directing of inbound and outbound telephone calls
where it is used
  • International Currencies
  • Country profile pages
  • Regional/state pages
Denomination / Division
Currency denominations or divisions is the term used to describe the lower units or decimals of a currency. For example, one hundred cents (¢) make one dollar ($), and one hundred pence (p) make one pound (£). Lower denominations and divisions are typically coins rather than notes and are usually made of non-precious metals (bronze, copper plate, nickel and alloys or a mixture of different metals)
where it is used
  • International Currencies
  • Country profile pages
  • Regional/state pages


When driving overseas, it is important to establish whether a country drives on the left or right. From the direction and flow of traffic to any licence requirements, the Gayther driving information guide provides driving relating guides for every country around the world. Discover more about international driving with the Gayther Driving guide today
Geo Location
When we typically access the internet, we connect via a telecommunications company/provider (through our mobile device, broadband, Wi-Fi, etc.). Our provider will usually assign both a local and external IP (Internet Protocol) address upon connecting. The address is used to help identify both the network (telecommunications provider) and the physical location of the connection (typically the closest telephone exchange, satellite etc.).

The IP address and GPS (Global Positioning System) coordinates, if using a smartphone device, are shared with websites and applications (if you provide approval). The information provided details your physical location, enabling the website or app to provide you with tailored services based on where you are located. An example is providing you with more information about businesses or services around you by proximity/distance.
where it is used
  • Search pages
QR Codes
Gayther Terms - QR Codes
Quick Response Code or QR code is a type of two-dimensional barcode. Traditional barcodes will only contain a limited amount of information used by machines (such a product codes). QR codes can be used to share the same information as traditional barcodes, as well as phrases, website links, licence information, and so much more.

The recipient of the QR code only needs a QR reader, which is typically free to use and download and is available on both android and IOS devices. Also, the recipient needs a camera capable of capturing a reasonable image quality to scan the code and for the information contained within the QR code to be displayed. Most smartphone cameras will automatically detect the information within QR Codes without needing to download any additional software.
where it is used
  • Country profile pages
  • Region/State profile pages
  • QR Codes
  • Footer of every page


With 24 time zones observed around the world, it can be 5 am in one country and 5 pm at the same time in another part of the world. The Gayther time zone guides provide four fun and interactive ways to find out any time zones and whether daylight savings time is observed for every country around the world. Discover all things time-related today

what3words is an innovative way of talking about and sharing location information. Every place on earth can be identified using longitude (the angle/position east to west) and latitude (the angle/position north to south). These measurements are numeric, and the more decimal places that are used, the more concise and accurate the location. what3words has created an innovative system. Instead of using numeric geo positions, they use a grid system where each area can be described and located by merely using three words.

The three words make it easy to share accurate location information. It also provides logistical and transportation technology opportunities to deliver to and locate an individual’s exact location accurately. To learn more about what3words, visit

where it is used
  • Transport Pages
  • Directory Listings
  • Showcase


Whenever planning a trip overseas, knowing what types of plugs are used and other electricity information is crucial for making sure you protect your equipment and devices as well as ensuring that you have the right adapters with you. The Gayther Worldwide electricity guides provide three interactive and fun ways to quickly and easily find electricity-related information
Knowing the local emergency telephone numbers is crucial, whether at home or abroad. The Gayther guide not only provides the various telephone numbers for the emergency services worldwide but also common phrases in the native language
When travelling, as a non-native speaker of a language or when you cannot speak, communicating how you think and feel to a medical practitioner can be challenging. The medical diagnosis interpreter, also known as the MDI, is a free click and point solution where you can use literal translations for up to 89 different languages
We all need help sometimes, and when we do, it is crucial to know where to get the right advice and support. There are millions of non-profit organisations, advice services, and support groups worldwide, services and solutions designed to help you in whatever you face. Search for support groups today

Gayther...your community resource

Three dedicated websites offer various tools, services, guides, and much more. Free tools and services tailored toward all groups within the global LGBTQIA+ community


Discover more about the extensive tools, services and guides available on Gayther. From country and regional guides to LGBTQIA+ community resources, learn more about all that Gayther has to offer
Learn more about Gayther; it’s history, values and mission
Discover Gayther Care, a site dedicated to community support and care
Discover all about the LGBTQIA+ community from the many resources available
Planning a trip? Gayther provides extensive country guides for every country across the globe
Find the information you need quickly with the wide range of guides available on Gayther
Be inspired and have some fun, with a wide range of articles, personality tests, quizzes and crosswords on offer
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Discover more about sexuality, from the various identities to inspiring content and information
Discover more about the unique and diverse gender identities within the LGBTQIA+ community
Discover more about the special groups and the people and organisations supporting and helping the LGBTQIA+ community
Not sure what you are looking for? There are many ways to find what you need quickly; the search section provides links to the many search services
Impress your friends with key facts and keep updated on the latest developments and trends within the community
Discover Gayther Trinary, three unique services focused on the different aspects and requirements of the LGBTQIA+ community
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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information displayed on this page is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute advice. It is essential that before travelling that you independently establish information relating specifically to your requirements and circumstances. Though we endeavour to keep all information across the site updated, we do not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of any information displayed. The languages and terms featured on this page are literal translations and have not been validated or verified. The service is provided free of charge, and by using it, you accept that you are doing so at your own risk. This page may contain external links to third party websites; Gayther provides these links for your convenience and does not endorse, warrant or recommend any particular products or services. By clicking on any external links, you will leave Gayther and be taken to the third-party website, which you do so at your own risk and by accessing the site, you will be required to comply with the external third party’s terms and conditions of use and privacy policies
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