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LGBTQIA+ Question Set

A series of questions designed to highlight the approach businesses take toward the LGBTQIA+ community
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The LGBTQIA+ Question Set is designed to help businesses, organisers and services showcase their approach and inclusivity concerning the LGBTQIA+ community. The questions are entirely optional and even though some businesses may opt not to answer some or all of the questions, just knowing they are welcoming is enough for most people. Gayther is a global service which means that some organisations may not be able to answer given they might follow standard practices for all or are limited on what they can implement within their branch, region or country. Answering as many questions as possible gives customers a chance to learn more about a particular business, especially aspects that they might not be aware of or their overall approach. The question set is high level and only covers key areas and topics.


The business model section highlights a business, service or event and its overall business model, approach, experience, products and services. The section provides an area to highlight a business and its offering to the community


Possible answers: LGBTQIA+ Owned | Ally/Supporter | Staff identifying as LGBTQIA | General | Other

The question is designed to highlight the overall business model. Showcasing if a business is owned by community members, those that support the community or a welcoming business or service organisation.

Possible answers: Yes | No | Prefer not to say | Unknown

The question will vary depending on the service, product, event or business. The question is primarily designed to establish if a business has any experience dealing with members of the LGBTQIA+ community. In specialist areas such as healthcare, whether staff are trained in certain aspects specific to the community, such as administering hormone replacement therapy

Possible answers: LGBTQIA+ Tailored or Specialist | Inclusive to all | Prefer not to say | Unknown

The question is designed to highlight the nature of the products and services offered. Depending on the service or sector, some products might be specific and targeted. For example, a clothing company might have products with LGBTQIA+ themes or community themed flags, pins etc. The question is general and refers to the majority of the business and what it offers to its customers.

Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

In question 3, organisations and providers can provide a general overview of the products and services they provide. Question 4 is more specific and relates to whether specific products and services are tailored toward the LGBTQIA+ community. For example, a business might offer a range of products; however, some products might be tailored to the community.

The free-text field enables businesses, services and event providers to list all products or services they provide that are specific and tailored toward the LGBTQIA+ community

Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question relates to whether organisations are open to feedback and suggestions for products and services. Ideas for potential new products or ways to improve existing products or services.

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The inclusion section is about engagement and the overall environment. Aspects such as the environments organisations aim to create for both staff and customers, as well as, customer engagement and the use of personal pronouns and respecting how a person identifies.


Possible answers: Agree | Disagree | Prefer not to say

The statement is general and a fundamental approach to inclusivity. It is important to note that some organisations might prefer not to answer given the country they operate within or societal pressures. Failing to answer does not mean an organisation is not inclusive, just that they might be unable to answer for fear of any repercussions.
Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question is designed to showcase an organisation’s approach concerning inclusivity within their business environment. An open environment means that employees and customers are free to be open about their sexuality or gender identity and all are treated with respect
Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable

The question is designed to showcase if an organisation encourages staff, especially those that are customer-facing to learn more about the LGBTQIA+ community. Whether through staff training or reading materials provided to staff. Through learning more and empathising, the approach will ultimately help both staff and customers become more respectful and tolerant of others.
Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question is designed to showcase how organisations engage with their customers and staff. Whether it is through online communications asking how they like to be addressed, personal pronouns and gender-neutral pronouns or asking customers in person. Asking customers how they liked to be communicated can help reduce any mistakes or any assumptions staff might make when dealing with customers and co-workers.
Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question is designed to showcase whether an organisation engages with their customers to establish their preferred personal pronouns or whether their staff display on employee badges or email footers. Personal pronouns are especially important concerning gender identities and those unable to identify with conventional gender roles


Discover more about the Gayther Pride in series, which explores a range of sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Learn more about the unique groups, interesting facts and take pride in however you choose to identify or love
Discover more about sexuality, from the various identities to inspiring content and information
Discover more about the unique and diverse gender identities within the LGBTQIA+ community
Discover more about the special groups and the people and organisations supporting and helping the LGBTQIA+ community
Acceptance and coming to terms with a part of what makes you can be challenging for many people. The Gayther pride in series is about celebrating all things relating to sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Showcasing the exceptional people, interesting facts and ways to connect with those unique communities, all designed to help and promote pride in LGBTQIA+ identities


The behaviours section highlights key corporate policies and whether a code of conduct is in place. Policies that highlight expected behaviours and respect for staff and customers and clear guidelines on what happens when those behaviours are not observed or enforced


Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question is designed to showcase whether an organisation has in place a code of conduct and whether LGBTQIA+ related matters are included. A code of conduct is typically a list of expected behaviours, what is not tolerated and a minimum standard expected in all matters relating to a particular organisation.
Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question expands on the code of conduct to showcase other policies and procedures a business has in place concerning anti-discrimination and acceptable behaviours. Policies featured within employee handbooks, staff training, statements and policies both staff and customers are expected to review and agree to abide by.
Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question is designed to highlight any staff training with regards to gender identities. Aspects such as greeting customers, avoiding gender assumptions, using gender-neutral greetings and engaging with customers concerning communication preferences.
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Gayther Affinity is a private platform for the LGBTQIA+ community and their friends. A space that gives you the freedom to be yourself, helping you communicate with and connect to people similar to yourself from around the world and from all age groups and backgrounds. Get involved with groups discussions, ask questions or quickly search for inclusive business, services, and events near you. Gayther Affinity is committed to safeguarding its users. Through a closed network where user registration is required and enforcing block/report policies and functions to stop online abuse. Signup for your free Affinity account today.


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The safeguarding section highlights legal obligations organisations face within a specific country or region regarding reporting of key data. The handling of LGBTQIA+ sensitive data and how that organisation protects that information


Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable

The question will vary depending on the sector and industry; however, it is designed to showcase engagement and safeguard measures. For example, if a support group, are those using the service able to remain anonymous or if in a care environment, are any measures in place to help LGBTQIA+ individuals integrate into a multi-gender and predominately straight environment
Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question is to showcase clear guidelines and methods when things, unfortunately, go wrong. An established complaints process or how customers communicate abuse should be clear, simple and should be handled with respect and speed.
Possible answers: Yes – legally responsible to share sensitive information | Some reporting required, none relating to sexualities/gender identities | Not Applicable | No | Unknown

The question set is designed for a global audience. Some organisations have legal responsibilities and obligations with regard to the products and services they offer and perform. Though the legal obligations might be known to those living in those countries. They are not always known when people visit those countries from overseas. The question is designed to highlight that some organisations might be forced to report specific information relating to their customers.
Possible answers: Yes | No | In Development | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question will vary depending on the service, sector and industry. Though the majority of services and products do not require personal information such as a person’s sexuality or how they choose to identify. If an organisation does require this type of information, are customers able to opt to remain anonymous, if they are not out or fearful of persecution in their country or region
Possible answers: Information held securely | Only limited information collected | No sensitive information collected or recorded | Not Applicable | Unknown

The question will vary depending on the service, sector and industry. For those organisations that capture personal and sensitive information, what measures are in place to keep the information secure and only accessible to those approved to do so.
Learn more about the exceptional and diverse global LGBTQIA+ community. Discover interesting facts, join in the fun with interactive games, learn more about the exceptional pioneers and advocates and take pride in all of the sexualities, gender identities and special groups. Discover all things LGBTQIA+ with Gayther today

  Why is the question set so important?

Gayther Showcase - Question Set - Importance
Around the world, many LGBGTQIA+ face discrimination and hardship due to their sexuality or how they choose to identify. Completing daily tasks and chores can be challenging, especially when using new services, stores or suppliers. Whether out in public or their own homes, many can be nervous and anxious not knowing what their experience will be. Knowing that a business, service or event is inclusive, that they welcome all and that they treat both their staff and customers with respect, especially people like them, can make all the difference.

We designed the question set to allow businesses, organisations and providers to highlight their business models and approach to the LGBTQIA+ community. Information that can be viewed and shared with both new and existing customers. Some of the questions may not always apply; however, just knowing that a business welcomes all, will give many community members confidence when using and purchasing services and products.


Discover more about the extensive tools, services and guides available on Gayther. From country and regional guides to LGBTQIA+ community resources, learn more about all that Gayther has to offer
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