Discover all other climate information for Albuquerque, United States of America (USA). The other section provides key climate information that is not directly linked to the temperature. Important: The climate information is offered free of charge. We do not provide any guarantees or warranties for the accuracy of the information you use at your own risk. The weather information is based on the village, town, or city closest to the chosen destination. Should no weather data be available for any given country or island, we may use the closest weather data within the vicinity.
Discover all of the weather factors using metric measurements. The data is based on monthly averages throughout the year, taken over many years. All of the measurements are based on the average amount produced or recorded throughout the day. The rainfall/precipitation is the average recorded rainfall measured in centimetres and inches, the wind speed is based on the average wind speed in kilometres per hour and miles per hour, and the snowfall is the average amount of snow recorded in centimetres and inches
RAINFALL | PRECIPITATION (in centimetres and inches)
JAN | 0.02 cm | 0.01 in
FEB | 0.04 cm | 0.01 in
MAR | 0.03 cm | 0.01 in
APR | 0.04 cm | 0.02 in
MAY | 0.03 cm | 0.01 in
JUN | 0.03 cm | 0.01 in
JUL | 0.13 cm | 0.05 in
AUG | 0.1 cm | 0.04 in
SEP | 0.1 cm | 0.04 in
OCT | 0.07 cm | 0.03 in
NOV | 0.02 cm | 0.01 in
DEC | 0.05 cm | 0.02 in
WINDSPEED (in kilometres per hour and miles per hour)
JAN | 11.2 kph | 7 mph
FEB | 12.8 kph | 7.9 mph
MAR | 14.1 kph | 8.8 mph
APR | 16.5 kph | 10.2 mph
MAY | 15.7 kph | 9.8 mph
JUN | 14.7 kph | 9.1 mph
JUL | 13.2 kph | 8.2 mph
AUG | 12.1 kph | 7.5 mph
SEP | 12.3 kph | 7.6 mph
OCT | 12 kph | 7.4 mph
NOV | 11.3 kph | 7 mph
DEC | 10.7 kph | 6.7 mph
SNOWFALL (in centimetres and inches)
JAN | 3.9 cm | 1.6 in
FEB | 4.2 cm | 1.7 in
MAR | 5.3 cm | 2.1 in
APR | 3 cm | 1.2 in
MAY | 0 cm | 0 in
JUN | 0 cm | 0 in
JUL | 0 cm | 0 in
AUG | 0 cm | 0 in
SEP | 0 cm | 0 in
OCT | 0 cm | 0 in
NOV | 3 cm | 1.2 in
DEC | 5 cm | 2 in
The visualisation section acts as a guide to help you understand all of the other weather factors and how it uses a range of colours and terms, grouping the measurements into distinct categories. A category’s range will vary depending on the metric and range from little to none to heavy. All of the ranges and measurements can be found below under each category
Little to None | Less than 0.03 centimetres (cm) | Less than 0.01 inches (in)
Light | Between 0.03 and 0.13 centimetres (cm)| Between 0.01 and 0.05 inches (in)
Moderate | Between 0.13 and 1.27 centimetres (cm) | Between 0.05 and 0.5 inches (in)
Heavy | Between 1.27 and 2.54 centimetres (cm) | Between 0.5 and 1 inches (in)
Torrential | More than 2.54 centimetres (cm) | More than 1 inch (in)
Calm | Less than 1 kilometres per hour (kph) | Less than 0.6 miles per hour (mph)
Light | Between 1 and 11 kilometres per hour (kph) | Between 0.6 and 7.5 miles per hour (mph)
Moderate | Between 11 and 38 kilometres per hour (kph) | Between 7.5 and 23.6 miles per hour (mph)
Strong | More than 38 kilometres per hour (kph) | More than 23.6 miles per hour (mph)
None or little | Less than 0.25 centimetres (cm) | Less than 0.1 inches (in)
Light | Between 0.25 and 5 centimetres (cm) | Between 0.1 and 2 inches (in)
Moderate | Between 5 and 15 centimetres (cm) | Between 2 and 6 inches (in)
Heavy | More than 15 centimetres (cm) | More than 6 inches (in)
The other weather visualisations section has been created based on the average measurements recorded each day. The measurements are based on monthly average temperatures taken over many years and converted and grouped by colour and category. The rainfall/precipitation is the average recorded rainfall measured in centimetres and inches. The wind speed is based on the average wind speed in kilometres per hour and wind speed in miles per hour. The snowfall is the average amount of snow recorded in centimetres and inches. To understand any of the categories used within the weather factor visualisation,
please refer to the visualisation sectionRAINFALL | PRECIPITATION (in centimetres and inches)
JAN | Little to None
FEB | Light
MAR | Little to None
APR | Light
MAY | Little to None
JUN | Little to None
JUL | Moderate
AUG | Light
SEP | Light
OCT | Light
NOV | Little to None
DEC | Light
WINDSPEED (in kilometres per hour and miles per hour)
JAN | Moderate
FEB | Moderate
MAR | Moderate
APR | Moderate
MAY | Moderate
JUN | Moderate
JUL | Moderate
AUG | Moderate
SEP | Moderate
OCT | Moderate
NOV | Moderate
DEC | Light
SNOWFALL (in centimetres and inches)
JAN | Light
FEB | Light
MAR | Moderate
APR | Light
MAY | Little to None
JUN | Little to None
JUL | Little to None
AUG | Little to None
SEP | Little to None
OCT | Little to None
NOV | Light
DEC | Moderate